Prisma was launched first for iOS a few weeks ago. In this short span of time, the app cranked up over 7.5 million downloads on iOS alone. Today, it has been revealed that the the company will make the Android beta version available. Users can sign up for access to the beta version today.

Android users have been waiting for this for a long time as it was not available on the Play Store. At the time of this writing, users have started reporting that they have received beta access to the app. As things stand right now, it looks like the beta access invites are rolling out in batches. We have been playing around with the app for a couple of hours now. In so far, we have noticed some issues here and there with it. For one, it seems to consume more battery than you’d expect from a server-based photo filter app. Additionally, it also leaves a constant notification in the notification shade. This is a workaround to prevent the app from being killed by Android, but it seems to exist even when you have stopped using the app completely. The other issue is the speed of artwork generation. This is a server-based feature and not dependent on the app for the most part, so it hints at scalability issues at the moment. This should be an ongoing improvement from Prisma’s side, meaning it should get better with time. Prisma for Android is still in beta and this is the first release of the app, so some issues are expected. Make sure you’re ready to deal with them while the developers iron the bugs out in future updates.

Download Prisma For Android Beta APK

Sign up for Prisma for Android beta here. Download Prisma For Android – | Google Drive Direct Link –

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