FitBit Alta HR Features

Now you get the power of continuous heart rate in Fitbit’s slimmest design yet all day, during workouts and beyond. You can check real time heart zones on the wrist and exercise summaries on the dedicated FitBit app. Additionally you can also view resting heart rate on-device and can check that how consistent exercise can improve your heart health. With heart rate, you can better measure calorie burn and use zones fat burn, cardio and peak to find the right workout intensity for your goals. With sleep stages powered by pure pulse heart rate, automatically track your time spent in light, deep and rem sleep coming soon and take steps toward a better night’s rest.

See how working out more can improve your health by comparing your resting heart rate trends to your activity. Additionally you can also automatically track your steps, distance covered, calories burned and active minutes. Fitbit claims a battery life up to 7 hours which is decent enough for a fitness band with an active heart rate sensor.

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Pricing & Availability

Fitbit Alta HR Launched For Rs  14 999 In India With Continuous Heart Rate Tracking - 50