All these smartphones are expected to be launched in third quarter with the price ranging from Rs. 1,990 to Rs. 8,000. As you would have already guessed, these smartphones will carry screen savers, movie related boot screen, music, dialogues and the signature tune within them. Apart from movie paraphernalia, Karbonn will also provide a Karbonn Kochadiiyaan Augmented Reality (AR) app. The phone will also bear south Indian mega star Rajnikanths signature. Karbonn will also sell a 4 GB SD card separately with Kochadiiyan music, dialogues, etc pre loaded on it. According to reports from TOI, Karbonn is also planning on launching a dual boot Android phone in India sometime in June. Microsoft recently announced Karbonn as a new Windows Phone partner at MWC 2014 and we are expecting other domestic manufacturers like Xolo, Lava and Micromax to launch a Windows phone soon.

Key Specs

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