The new Samsung Galaxy A2 Core has been launched in India for Rs. 5290. Xiaomi also launched its first Android Go smartphone Redmi Go in India last month. The Redmi Go comes with a price tag of Rs. 4,499 and has features like a 5-inch HD screen, Snapdragon 425 processor, 8MP rear camera, and 3000mAh battery. Let’s find out which Android Go Edition phone has better value for money.

Galaxy A2 Core Vs Redmi Go Specifications

Design and display

Starting with the design and build quality, since both are the budget phones they have an average build quality with a plastic back panel. Up front, there are bigger bezels on screen. If we talk about dimensions, the Redmi Go is a little bit thinner and lightweight than the Galaxy A2 Core.

Coming to the display, the Galaxy A2 Core has a 5-inch TFT display with qHD (540 x 960 pixels) resolution. On the other hand, Redmi Go also has a 5-inch display but it is an IPS panel and has HD ( 1280×720 pixels) resolution. Winner: In terms of design, both are similar while for display, Redmi Go is a winner.


The Galaxy A2 Core is powered by an octa-core Exynos 7870 chipset which is clocked at 1.6GHz. While the Redmi Go is powered by a quad-core Snapdragon 425 chipset. It is clocked up to 1.4GHz. So, in terms of hardware, Galaxy A2 Core has an upper hand, however, both the chipsets can handle the tasks of an Android Go phone very well. Winner: Galaxy A2 Core wins here because of octa-core CPU.


Coming to the cameras, Galaxy A2 Core has a 5MP rear camera with f/1.9 aperture and a 5MP front camera. While the Redmi Go comes with an 8MP rear camera with f/2.0 aperture. It sports a 5MP front camera with an f/2.2 aperture. The cameras should perform the same. Winner: Redmi Go is the winner here because of better camera specifications.

Software and apps

The Galaxy A2 Core comes with the latest Android Pie Go Edition while the Redmi Go is still running the older version of Android i.e. Android Oreo Go Edition. Both the phones have usual Go apps like Files Go, YouTube Go, etc. and some other lite apps as well such as Facebook lite. Winner: Galaxy A2 Core wins here because of its latest software.

Battery and connectivity

The Galaxy A2 Core packs a 2,600mAh battery which is capable to run the phone easily for a day. Redmi Go has a slightly bigger 3,000mAh battery which is enough for a day. In terms of connectivity, Redmi Go has dedicated SIM and microSD card slots. While Galaxy A2 Core has hybrid slots. Winner: Redmi Go is the winner here because of the bigger battery and better connectivity options.


The has a better processor and the latest software but it comes with a costlier price tag than the Redmi Go. So, for those who are going to buy a smartphone for the first time, Redmi Go could be a better option because of its affordability, HD display, good camera, big battery, and latest lite apps.