With companies like Airtel already providing 4G services in Kolkata, Bengaluru, Pune and Chandigarh. Reliance telecom also recently acquired the license for 4G services and we can expect 4G to roll out in other major cities of India soon with other operators like Aircel gearing up. This phone will be powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 dual core processor clocked at 1.5 GHz. The display size will be small at 4.3 inches and the display resolution will be 720 P HD which suits well for 4 G experience. The display type will be OGS IPS LCD. The back camera will come with a 8 MP BSI sensor. The Small screen will limit the experience but you can also use it to tether high speed mobile internet on your portable devices. The 4G data plans being offered right now are pricey with Airtel offering 6 GB of data at Rs. 999 for a month in selected cities. We expect the prices to go down as competition increases. It’s a smart move by Xolo to cash in on the advancement of 4G by providing a mid range phone with 4G LTE support. This feature is for now only available in selected high end devices. Samsung also launched its Exynos 5 Octa variants of high end devices in India like Galaxy Note 3 and s4 which does not support 4G LTE as compared to Snapdragon 800 variants launched in other countries. Source: GSM Arena